Friday, January 9, 2009

Aloha Friday

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

My question today is.................

Where do you dream of traveling?

My head is in the clouds today. It is cold and dry here and I keep dreaming of being somewhere warmer. I have always dreamed of going out West. I would love to just take an RV and head toward California taking my time and stopping at all the sights along the way. I know this trip will have to wait until my kids are older and can handle long rides, but right now while I am sitting in my office freazing to death, the warm, sunny weather of California sure sounds nice.


  1. I have never had the opportunity to go outside the United States. My dream trip would be to travel all throughout Italy.

  2. I would like to travel back to CA to see more of it... DH and I went there for 10 days for our Honeymoon

  3. Several years ago we had a trip scheduled to Hawaii and had to cancel it the week beforehand due to a medical issue. I still REALLY want to go there so that would be my pick!

  4. I wish someday to end up in Ireland!!

  5. I do not like to travel.

    I am more of an armchair traveler. I enjoy hearing about where others have been but I don't want to go.

  6. My way out there dream is to get to Australia some day. Aside from that I am always dreaming of going to Disney World.

  7. I dream of traveling to Bora Bora with my husband. I'd also like to visit Greece.

  8. I would love to see more of the Southern States.

  9. I would like to go to many, many places! I would love to see some of the west coast of the US. But I would also love to head to Europe!

  10. I would love to go to Australia

  11. I would love to go to Japan since I've never been there before. I also want to take the girls to Disney World!

  12. I'd like to go to Australia. I have a penpal there and hope to visit her someday.

  13. I have two travel dreams. My first is to visit every major National Park. So far I've seen about 7 or so. I'd also love to take a train trip across Canada. Nothing in the plans for that yet, but we are taking a train trip from Portland, OR to Chicago to Washington DC to VA in June that I am really, really looking forward to!

    Your dream trip really sounds nice right now!

    I'm picture tagging you, BTW. TAG! Check out my blog post "Picture Tag - Old Jeans?" to see what I'm talking about!
