Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Beginning

It is my turn to try out this blogging craze! I am the mother of three beautiful kiddos who keep me very busy. My house is unorganzied chaos and I love it most days. They keep me hopping and teach me how to enjoy the little things in life again. My life growing up was not easy, but for my kids I strive to show them understanding, patience, kindness, stability, security, values, morals and unconditional love. I want them to grow up and know that I love them and am here for them regardless of the circumstances. I want them to feel safe with me and know I will never judge them or turn my back on them. My kids are my whole world and while things have happened in my life that I am not proud of, I have chosen to make the best of the situation and never look back with regrets. I am who I am because of each and everything that has happened to me. I want to be someone my kids can look up to and be proud of me as I am them. Each day I see them grow up a little more and I know I must cherish each and every moment with them. Through this blog I hope to share a little about myself and our day to day life.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! I warn you it is addictive and if you are anything like me it will consume way too much of your time. But it's a lot of fun!

  2. YAY!!! I'm following you now!!!! Let us know if you need any help with anything!
